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FefePicole Drinking game

FefePicole Drinking game
  • 类型:卡牌
  • 语言:"EN"
  • 评分:0.000
  • 厂商:Felix LE DREF
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 更新时间:2024-03-08 11:51:25
  • 标签: 卡牌 游戏 策略 美食佳饮
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Drinking game app, perfect to accompany you and your friends on your night out, good times guaranteed!

Alcohol game invented a great evening with friends, a little too sprinkled, three young thirsty looking for a good excuse to drink. One of them has decided to make an application to benefit the greatest number.


Add each player’s name and play in turns at Fefepicole, following these few rules dictated by Master Féfé in person :

1 - Roll the dice, you'll have to.

2 - Select a maximum of two tiles corresponding to the sum of the dice, you will do.

3- Bad in addition : ? craquage buvage ?* there will be

4- All tiles selected : All will drink up to your health and winner you will be.

5- If unlucky on the dice you are, thirsty * you will become

6- Games till the end of the night between friends you will chained

7- In moderation alcohol you will consume ;)

* Drink up !

Have fun !


僵尸城市杀手 - 僵尸国防2017

你曾经玩过链锯控制器吗? 现在你可以用链锯玩这个游戏。 你有一个电锯,你有很多僵尸在你的城市。 所有的人都走了。 你在城里独自一人。 你有一个电锯,你必须杀死所

共收集 9 款游戏

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