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Card Solitaire Ext

Card Solitaire Ext
  • 类型:卡牌
  • 语言:"EN"
  • 评分:0.000
  • 厂商:ryo itou
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 更新时间:2024-01-24 02:50:30
  • 标签: 卡牌 游戏
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It is a free cell which can be done with easy operation.

Just touch the card you want to move.

If there are multiple destinations, repeat the touch until it becomes the desired place.

You can also operate by dragging.

Rules can be placed on one larger card than the number of cards to move.

Also, when stacking cards overlap so that red and white alternate.

You can put your favorite card in the free area. (The place in the upper right can not be piled up)

Finally, I will place the cards in 1 to K order in the upper left area.

If all the cards are gathered in the upper left, it is completion.


僵尸城市杀手 - 僵尸国防2017

你曾经玩过链锯控制器吗? 现在你可以用链锯玩这个游戏。 你有一个电锯,你有很多僵尸在你的城市。 所有的人都走了。 你在城里独自一人。 你有一个电锯,你必须杀死所

共收集 9 款游戏

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