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Stud Poker Odds

Stud Poker Odds
  • 类型:娱乐
  • 语言:"EN"
  • 评分:0.000
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 更新时间:2024-02-22 13:33:29
  • 标签: 卡牌 娱乐 娱乐场 游戏
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The Stud Poker Odds application provides Poker odds for Seven Card Stud Poker.

It shows users the Win, Tie and Equity % for up to six players.

Monte Carlo Simulation (aka random sampling) is used to handle the large number of possible outcomes. The random sampling size can be adjusted to low (200,000), medium (500,000) or high (800,000) sample hands.

Users can \"emulate\" exhaustive calculations which allows the same sample hands to be used for a given scenario each time that the same scenario is calculated.

When the results are displayed, users can touch the results area and a screen will pop up displaying the

Equity % and total win + ties by hand type.


僵尸城市杀手 - 僵尸国防2017

你曾经玩过链锯控制器吗? 现在你可以用链锯玩这个游戏。 你有一个电锯,你有很多僵尸在你的城市。 所有的人都走了。 你在城里独自一人。 你有一个电锯,你必须杀死所

共收集 13 款游戏

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