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Dentist Simulator- Hey Doc!

Dentist Simulator- Hey Doc!
  • 类型:教育
  • 语言:"EN"
  • 评分:0.000
  • 厂商:Nick Pacini
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 更新时间:2024-03-01 12:58:45
  • 标签: 教育 模拟 游戏 角色扮演
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Hey Doc! Your patients are ready to see you! Read the reasons why they came into the office today, and then make the right decision on what procedure needs to be done. Have fun brushing teeth, filling cavities, fixing chipped teeth, and applying braces- just like a real dentist!

Keep track of your own dental hygiene each day by logging when you brushed and flossed on the calendar page. Try to brush and floss every day so the whole calendar lights up green!

Learn more about oral care on the fun facts screen. There are probably some interesting facts about teeth you didn't know before!

An important part of being a good dentist is record keeping. Keep track of the patients you treat on the log page!


僵尸城市杀手 - 僵尸国防2017

你曾经玩过链锯控制器吗? 现在你可以用链锯玩这个游戏。 你有一个电锯,你有很多僵尸在你的城市。 所有的人都走了。 你在城里独自一人。 你有一个电锯,你必须杀死所

共收集 13 款游戏

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